February 2022
Launched in 2018, Project CHOICE (Creating Healthy Opportunities and Inspiring Change through Empowerment) is a program for youth between the ages of 11 and 21 who are at risk of or involved in sex trafficking within Orange County. Funded by the County of Orange Social Services Agency, and managed by Orangewood Foundation, Project CHOICE provides specialized services and support to Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC) as well as education and resources for service providers, caregivers and community groups.
In addition, a caregiver support group is available and youth may visit the Drop-In Center to receive resources and guidance in a trauma-informed and survivor-focused environment. The Drop-In Center also provides medical, mental health and substance abuse support as well as education and employment assistance, housing referrals and court hearing support and advocacy.
Youth at risk of exploitation may exhibit behaviors such as missing school, running away, possessing new electronic devices, clothes and jewelry, and having an older boyfriend or girlfriend. If you suspect a child or young person is being exploited, immediately speak with the assigned social worker or seek professional advice.
For more information about the Orangewood Foundation’s Project CHOICE, please click here.
Orange County Child Abuse Hotline
(714) 940-1000 or (800) 207-4464
National Human Trafficking Hotline
(888) 373-7888
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.