December 2021
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) is committed to ensuring that families feel well-equipped
to face any challenge that may arise during their foster journey. This commitment includes providing relevant
information and resources when resource parents need it most. SSA is proud to introduce the updated Resource Family Guide.
The guide features improved table of contents navigation which enables caregivers to access information efficiently. New community and Agency resources join the list of existing support services. The Meet Your Team worksheet provides caregivers the opportunity to gather all case workers’ information in one document.
In addition to the guide, resource parents may also connect with the Resource Family Support unit. Comprised of social workers and the Resource Family Liaison, the team assists caregivers by providing support, advice and guidance in resolving issues such as foster care reimbursements, birth family visitations and questions about the child welfare system. For more information, call (714) 704-8255 (TALK) or email ResourceFamilySupport@ssa.ocgov.com.