Fall 2022
According to the United States Environmental and Protection Agency, one week in October is designated as the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Week and highlights ways parents and caregivers may reduce children’s exposure to lead and prevent its harmful health effects. Lead may be found in the air, soil, water and inside homes. The California Department of Public Health says that even small amounts of lead may cause learning and behavioral issues and most
children who have lead poisoning do not look or act ill. The OC Health Care Agency recommends children get a blood test for lead if there are suspicions of poisoning. Parents and caregivers should consult with their health care provider for advice on lead testing.
Tap Water and Lead
Over the next several years, California public water utilities will replace water service lines containing lead. These lines connect the plumbing in homes to water mains under streets. While the California State Water Resources Control Board did not identify any service lines containing lead in Orange County, residents should still learn about potential lead exposure in tap water. View the Lead in Tap Water fact sheet below for more information.