August 2021
According to Kidsdata.org, an organization that provides data on issues affecting California’s children, 65 percent of California youth in care leave the child welfare
system without being reunified with their families or connected with a stable, caring adult. As a result, a high percentage of youth experience homelessness and early parenthood, engage in substance abuse and enter the criminal justice system. But there is hope.
For 14 years, Teen Leadership Foundation’s (TLF) sole focus is to help prepare youth in care for meaningful and successful lives beyond the child welfare system. Through
programs such as life skills workshops, one-on-one mentoring, summer camps, monthly youth groups and The Luanch Pad, TLF’s transitional housing, youth are introduced to immersive experiences that open a new world of possibilities for adulthood.
TLF partners with Faith in Motion, a collaboration between the County of Orange Social Services Agency and the faith community, and other community stakeholders to provide these life-changing programs in the hope to reach and positively impact as many youth in care as possible. To learn more about the many ways a faith-based organization may engage in outreach to youth in care, click here.