December 2021
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) is excited to announce the debut of the newly produced Faith in Motion (FIM) video. The goal is to tell FIM’s story to the community in an effort to engage more faith-based and community organizations in the work to support children and families involved in Orange County’s child welfare system. The video highlights partners sharing their stories and experiences as members of the FIM coalition. Our Agency strives to provide prospective community partners with serving opportunities to help meet the needs of children and families. We would like to thank the production team at Shepherd’s Grove Presbyterian Church in Irvine who donated their time, talent and energy to make this video a reality.
FIM is a unique collaboration between SSA and the faith-based community. The FIM partnerships have proven to be an invaluable asset to the Agency. Donations, service projects, mentorship program development, establishment of support groups, hosting training classes and special events, and recruiting resource parents are just a few of the many exciting activities the partners are continually engaging in and refining to better serve children and families in crisis. For more information on how to get involved, click here or email FaithInMotionOC@ssa.ocgov.com.