By Roylyn Burton . Social Services Agency
On November 16, 2022, over 250 social workers and supervisors with the County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA), Children & Family Services division enjoyed a sandwich lunch complete with salad, drinks and dessert compliments of Foster the City. “We just wanted to let our social workers know how much we love and appreciate them,” said Lauren Wetzel, Southern California Program Director for the organization and SSA resource parent. In addition to lunch, staff had the opportunity to speak with the Foster the City team and
learn about the group’s mission and vision for resource parent recruitment and support.
Foster the City is a coalition of churches committed to recruiting resource parents for children in the child welfare system. Established in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2015, Foster the City partners with over 200 churches and has inspired over a thousand families throughout California and Northern Nevada to get involved as resource parents, supporters and advocates. A partner in SSA’s Faith in Motion collaborative — a unique partnership between SSA and Orange County’s faith community — Foster the City’s leadership brings a wealth of experience creating and growing key community relationships and supporting resource parents. For information about service opportunities or church involvement through Foster the City or Faith in Motion, email