January 2022
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) extends a warm and heartfelt thank you to all our Faith in Motion (FIM) partners who generously provided gifts and hosted holiday events for families and children involved in the child welfare system. We also thank staff and families for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend these festive events. We wish everyone a joyous 2022.
Are you excited about making a New Year’s volunteering resolution to serve children and families in need, but are not sure what opportunities are available? Click here or email FaithInMotionOC@ssa.ocgov.com to learn how you can best use your time and talents to impact lives.
FIM is a unique collaboration between SSA and the faith-based community. Donations, service projects, mentorship program development, establishment of support groups, hosting training classes and special events, and recruiting resource parents are just a few of the many exciting activities the partners are continually engaging in and refining to better serve children and families.
Below are some examples of the many activities our Faith in Motion and community partners hosted during the 2021 holiday season:
Snuggle Day
Debuting in 2013, this event is a gift bazaar where social workers may shop for the children on their caseloads while connecting with Faith in Motion and community partners.
2021 partners:
Cornerstone Bible Church Fullerton
Cornerstone Church Anaheim
Harbor Mesa Lions Club
Mara James
Orange County Quilters Guild
Project Cheryl
Saddleback Church Anaheim
St. Bonaventure
The Church We Hope For
The Give Back Pack
Young Life
Foster Family Christmas Party
Holiday Extravaganza
St. John’s Lutheran Church Orange
Foster Care Auxiliary of Orange County
House of Hope
Olive Crest
Reading to Angels
Saddleback Church
Scholarship Prep Academy
Sole to Soul