September 2021
Twin brothers, Demontea and Tray, grew up in the foster care system. Of 12 brothers and sisters, the twins were the only two who graduated high school and college. Their success is attributed to the persistent and consistent dedication and care of their great uncle and great aunt.
Every year in September, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, adult brothers and sisters, and family friends are recognized for their labor of love and support during Kinship Care Month. National Grandparents Day is also traditionally observed the Sunday after Labor Day. Both of these celebrations highlight the importance of family connections.
When children are removed from their parents’ care due to abuse and/or neglect, placing them with other family members, or close family friends, is often an ideal solution. It provides children with the opportunity to grow and thrive in a supportive and safe home environment while retaining family and community ties.
According to the California Department of Social Services, about 19,000 children statewide are living with a family member or family friend, and almost 50 percent of children in Orange County are placed with kinship caregivers. Too often, the adults in these newly created kinship families did not expect to become caregivers and they need support.
The County of Orange Social Services Agency (SSA) recognizes the importance of kinship caregivers and is committed to providing ongoing support designed to meet their unique needs. On behalf of SSA, thank you for giving of yourselves everyday to help make tomorrow better for the children.
Resource Family Liaison
(714) 704-TALK (8255)
California Alliance of Caregivers
Children’s Defense Fund – Kinship Care Resource Kit
Child Welfare Information Gateway