November 2020



A Note of Thanksgiving to Our Resource Parents

During this time of thanksgiving, we want to express our gratitude for you, our resource parents. Thank you for caring, loving, guiding and nurturing the children in your home. Thank you for being cooks, drivers, parents, nurses, mentors, teachers and friends with listening ears. Thank you for embracing children and providing stability, warmth and hope during one of the most vulnerable and difficult times in their lives. Thank you for partnering with the children’s parents, extended family, other resource parents, schools, service providers, medical professionals, court, social workers and many others. We are grateful for all you do. THANK YOU!


Old & New Thanksgiving Traditions


Whether time-honored or unconventional, holiday traditions hold a special place in our hearts as they remind us of special moments with family and friends. Thanksgiving, typically, is celebrated with millions traveling to gather with loved ones to share a turkey dinner, volunteering to serve the needy, watching football games or the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or preparing to “shop till
you drop” on Black Friday. This year, plans may look a bit different and new traditions may be born due to COVID-19. Click on the images below to find inspiration on how to keep and create special Thanksgiving traditions.




Just For Fun!


“Funny Thankful Kids at Thanksgiving”


“Kid Talk: What Are You Thankful For?”